Dear Diary....sort of

My goodness it's been a long time since I posted here.  Not that anyone reads it anymore, more for my own occasional need to get thoughts down or ruminate on recent goings on.  The house and yard continue to be ongoing projects.  I finally broke down the half-assed garden area at the south side of the yard.  Learned to use a fence puller and jerry rigged it to pull the posts the ex had pounded into the ground 3 feet.  As the ground was still soft from recent rains in late spring they just came out slick as a whistle.  Still battling weeds there, and need to order a dump truck load of dirt to level it out, but that's not a pressing matter right now.

I installed flooring in the porch earlier this month as well as insulated the roof/ceiling and put up boards.  Today was the first really warm day since that learning adventure and I think it's gonna be cooler back there now.  It was a hot box previously.  I'm hoping it'll be less chilly in the winter as well.  That was a real learning experience.  Lots of mistakes but it'll do for me.  I also put up the missing wainscoting in the stairwell the ex took out to work on plumbing many years ago.  Painting that area will be on my...fall or winter to-do list.

Also on my porch to-do list is a new preferably steel door back there.  That will also help the insulation factor as well as a safety thing.  I'm feeling a little less secure as someone got on my front porch the other night and stole one of my hanging pots.  It was right outside my partially open bedroom window!  I heard a noise and got up to investigate, but all I saw was a van rolling off down the road after I checked where I thought someone may steal something which was my shed.  No one bothered.  They stole the damn hanging pot.  What a weird thing to steal.

I've cleaned out the tool box downstairs, getting rid of miscellaneous tools, duplicate tools, and other things weird and WTF.  I've since gone thru the boxes full of Liquid Wrench, WD-40, Marv's Mystery Oil, and lots of other things I didn't even know what they were for.  Put a box of that and ATF out on the curb while the rest of the mystery stuff I took to hazardous waste.  By the time I got back that box on the curb was gone.  Knew someone could use it.  It has freed up shelf space for the things I'm slowly bringing down from the attic.  I'm almost thru with the attic as far as that sort of thing goes.

Yesterday I took the tents, yes that's tents plural, out to the yard to set up and take stock of them.  I'm keeping 3, got rid of the other two, both old and decrepit.  I've pulled down the inflatable mattress with the intent to air it up and check for leaks only to find my 12V air pump no longer works.  Dang.  I just ordered a rebuilt one on Amazon which will be here in a couple days.  I'll need it if I plan to camp at all this year.  That's not looking too darn promising but I'd like to once or twice anyway.  If I don't make it out I'll at least have it together enough to go next year.

The shed is another thing I need to clean out.  It has a nissan transmission still in it, an edger I don't even know if I can get started, lead weight belts from his diving escapades, a vertical sander, and stuff I just don't even know until it gets pulled out and seen.  I know it needs to be done but I'm reluctant to tackle it.  Don't know why, just am.

On the sewing front I've been slightly productive.  I made some dresses and have the intention to make more.  I've got one 2/3 done on the table now.  I just need to use clear elastic to gather the waist to the bodice, sew that together, and hem it.  Then it's done and ready to wear.  I've had it cut out for month.  It's high time I buckle down and finish it.  Next on the block is another coral tank dress.  The first I made I love the fit but it needs to be about 3 inches longer for my taste.  Love Notions Summer Basics.  Fits beautifully and I see many more in the future.  I will be making a kimono coverup to wear with it for work.  Cooler for summer, yet still adequate for work.

My friend from AZ made a surprise visit last month.  It was good to see her though a bit of advance warning would have been better.  Fortunately neither me or our friend in Ferndale had any big plans that weekend so we were able to get together for a visit. 

Last weekend I took my cousin to see Eddie Izzard at the Paramount.  She didn't know who he was but she had a good time.  We discovered a great Thai restaurant nearby that we'd love to go to again!  We got some good visiting in.  Loved it.

In a nutshell that brings me to today.  I made some Black Raspberry jam this morning, went to the Farmers Market and got 3 lbs of green beans and canned them.  I've cleaned up that mess and now have been just enjoying the quiet and feeling very peaceful today. 


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