RV guy

I spoke too soon.  The young man came by with a couple family members, looked the chassis and engine over, fired it up and it purred as I promised, big grins all around, and they prepped it and drove it off.  Where was the camera?!?  Dad in lead pickup, the kid with goggles and a strapped down chair driving the chassis down the road, and family friend bringing up the rear in his own truck.  Pretty funny looking but the darn thing is now out of my hair.  So glad to have it gone.  I've continued to clean up the yard of all the clutter and debris from the RV body destruction.  It's way better.  Still a bit more left, but mostly gone.

I've got a box going to send forgotten things to my ex as I come across them.  To be frank I haven't had much energy to continue clearing things out.  Work has been very busy as I've been doing my own work as well as another employee who has been out on medical leave.  It SUCKS.  I'm perpetually behind and now I'm also lead on phones which just on it's own is exhausting.  Supposedly gonna get better maybe next week.  We'll see.

Speaking of to-do's, I went to Lowes and bought a downspout diverter as well as a new flexible attachment to replace the split one from years ago.  Did I do it last weekend?  No.  Weather is supposed to hold thru the weekend so hopefully after work this week since Saturday I have several things going on socially.

The car is also getting full of stuff for Goodwill.  Every time I turn around I find something else to add to it.  Weird stuff that D had stashed as might-have-to-needs all over the place.  He always wanted it organized so he could find things.  Wouldn't do it himself, or really give input, left it up to me as it would "help" him.  Drawback to that happy horseshit is when I'd do it as I felt it made sense, he couldn't find anything therefore it was all on me because I "hid" it on him to drive him "crazy".  Right.  ANYWAY, I don't have to worry about that so it all goes as I trip across it.

Here's to continuing to clean things out, slow and steady gets it done. 


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