Mourning the end of an era

My ex leaves today to move back to MI.  We've been divorced a year next month, but due to some L&I issues for him he's stayed with me till that whole whirlwind settled.  We've spent the last month (mostly him when he's physically able) taking the motor home down to the frame, making dump runs, gathering up what he'll take, telling me what he won't, and doing the business of disconnecting 2 lives after 25 years together.  I'm feeling teary as I write this.  We don't hate each other (okay sometimes) and we had lots of good times over that 25 years.  We just don't work well as a couple anymore.

Trepidation about my future as a single entity handling it all myself, sadness that this day is finally here, mourning our marriage, it's all running thru my head and heart right now.  I gave him a big hug and wished him a safe journey.

During this whole year I was looking forward to his final departure.  Now that it's here my emotions are all over the board.  I suppose that's normal but since my friends all disliked him greatly I don't feel like sharing my feelings right now and listening to their comments/suggestions.  I just need to get through this difficult adjustment period. Sigh. 


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