My pattern hack results and stuff

Here's the Dress I mentioned.  The pattern started out as a camp shirt.  I lengthened it and changed the waist tucks to darts.  Kept the profile fairly slim as I have enough fluff all on my own.  I wore it for the drive to Idaho last week.  Was a good choice as I stayed cool and still looked fairly well when I finally reached my destination.

The visit with my Uncle was good.  He talked a bit about our relatives and their trek from Minnesota to final homestead in Montana.  Very interesting.  Next trip will be to Eugene to see my Aunt on my Dad's side.  I'm thinking first part of November maybe?  Gotta check the vacation calendar at work first. 

The DH is camping in Oregon to view the eclipse.  All was successful and he enjoyed it.  Will be back in a couple days.  Tonight I filled in/spackled some holes from pictures etc in the wall.  It's still drying but it looks pretty good so far.  And there's no one here looking over my shoulder pointing out my  holidays!

Today was back to work.  I was almost late!  Could have sworn I turned my alarm on last night.  Guess not.  I woke up and took a speed shower, got ready and left in record time.  I'll double check myself tonight! 


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