Crikey it's been a while.

It's been a coon's age since I posted so here's a quick rundown -

We got the roof done in December but not before I had to enlist my Congresswoman to get on the loan company to get it past underwriting where the refinance paperwork languished for 3+ months.  It still took them another month to "close" but was able to pay the roofers only a couple weeks after the due date of the bill.  Whew.

I've been sewing although nothing outstanding.  A couple Moneta dresses, a couple pencil skirts, and a blouse.  I gave the first blouse away as it didn't fit right.  I've also traced out a couple patterns but no fabric cutting or sewing of them as yet.

Work has been crazy busy up till this month.  The pneumonia and flu going around has made the hospital busy!

I got that stupid head cold a couple weeks ago that's been going around.  Knocked me sideways for a couple days so missed 2 days of work.  Didn't progress to anything worse thank goodness.

Cleaned/rearranged the basement over several evenings and have been slowly getting rid of "stuff" that I don't need or want anymore.  Time to thin the crap outta my life that does nothing but take up space.  Will need to tackle the attic too but that will be a major undertaking as there's all the debris from the roofers stripping off the cedar shingles from 1929.  Bits and chunks are ALL OVER EVERYTHING up there.  Shudder.  Speaking of, right before the roofers got there D knocked the obsolete chimney down below the roof level.  So there's crap from that task up there as well.

We don't have internet at home anymore either so posting here has been difficult. Requires a trip with the laptop to a wifi place.  So bear with me.


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