Wool coat sewing

Bobbi Bomber + Baseball Cap comboHere's a style trend that I just can't get onboard with.  The Bomber jacket.  Just looks too sloppy to my tastes.  I really like Style Arc patterns but this one? Not so much.  Have seen the jacket on the runways as well.  Nope.  I'll take a pass.

Been slowly sewing on the wool coat. Basic body is together, lining is sewn, up next is sleeve insertion and collar.  Then the lining put in, hemmed, and done.  But don't expect it too darn soon.  Unless I get time to sew this weekend of course.  But then, maybe I better make time as we "may" get snow flurries next week.  Believe it when I see it.

Tuning has picked up again.  Doing 2 tonight after work.   Yah.  Need the $$ so I can get new tires.  Sad side effect of all wheel drive is they insist on all four wheels being purchased at the same time.

Not much else happening but will update progress as I make it.


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