The tortoise is pulling ahead

Shirtdress is done but for the buttonholes/buttons.  It fits.  I screwed up the sleeve bias tape and got it sewed down to the OUTSIDE.  How the heck I did that and didn't catch it before I got it finished I'll never know.  So,depending on my mood I may pick out the seams and do it right.  Or not.  Either way, it's a keeper or the pattern is anyway.

Went overnight camping up at Swede Heaven with a girlfriend, her beau and his family.  It was fun.  We did a fairly short hike to some waterfalls yesterday and I gotta say I miss hiking.  Haven't so much as seen a trailhead in quite a while so it was really nice to be out in the wilderness for a bit.  I came home after just the night because....well, I wanted to relax at home and drinking around a campfire just isn't really my thing.  Nice folks tho. 

I need to mow the dandelions.  They have taken over.  Don't know that I'll get to them this weekend, but there's always the evenings after work.  It's still light out.

Currently it's quiet outside, traffic is sparse, and there's no radio or tv on.  I like it!  May go sit in the yard for a bit.  Soon, too soon, it'll be too cold for that.  Sigh.


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