Tablerunner is lovely

Hope the BFF got this for her birthday today. 

 I finished it and rushed it to the post office box.  Didn't wrap it and forgot the card which I had left in my purse.  What a dork.  Anyway, it turned out so very pretty I'm thinking of making one for myself.

I have a shirt repair to do for my coworker this weekend.  Also going to Oak Harbor to a consignment store tomorrow with another coworker.  Should be fun.  Haven't been there in a coon's age.  The union at work is still in negotiations with administration.  STILL.  The union is fine tuning the original contract and trying to better level out the playing field to try to maintain long term workers but the higher-ups are balking.  Would be nice if they'd have a meeting of the minds and agree.

Not much else happening.  Just got what I think will be the last appraisal of our roof today.  Once that comes in we'll make a decision and go to the bank.  Sigh.


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