Aunt Donna, I got the nudge to post as I've been slacking.  So here goes:  I have been sewing though nothing worthy of a photo really, well, there's this...

It has a weird gather on the right side built in.  I did a camisole for under it as it's sheer.  The camisole is not worth the picture since I was frankensteining it.  The FBA worked well, but my modified straps did not turn out as I planned. That's the turquoise fabric peeking out below the hem. Ah well.  I also am in the process of tearing out the neckline as it does not lie flat so I think I need to rethink it and perhaps stretch it a bit more as I sew it on.  Otherwise I like it.  The fit is good.  The fabric I got on closeout for a buck a yard.  Can't go wrong for that price even if it turned out to be a wadder.  I had to also do a full arm adjustment since I've got thick upper arms.

My friend Mickie and I have been going to the little gym at work 3 days a week.  Been pretty faithful about it for the last couple months and I feel I'm in better shape cardio-wise.  I actually ran a wee bit on the treadmill yesterday.  Granted it was 30 seconds, walk for 2 minutes, then 30 seconds, 2 minute walk, and last spurt of running for 30 seconds.  I can even do 30 minutes on the eliptical whereas back in beginning of December I did 5 minutes and thought I'd die.  Considering just a month ago I didn't have the wind to do that I figure I am making inroads in the fitness department.  Upside is I'm trying to wear myself out so I'll sleep.  Been having a heck of a time with that.  Either can't stay asleep, or wake up about 2:30 and can't get back to sleep.  All of which is accompanied by hot flashes.  Gonna hit the coop and get some black kohosh and evening primrose I think.

Just finished my income tax return today.  I owe Uncle Sam $1500.  Lovely.  Here I was  hoping for a refund.  Ha.  Fat chance.   I was dreading the bookkeeping but now it's done. Whew.

Oh, the blue shirt I made last month for myself?  The striped tunic?  I made one for Mickie in a dark gray/white stripe.  She loves it.

I've got a wrap dress to cut out and sew.  Highly rated by the busty seamstresses out there but I just haven't gotten around to it.

Daffodils are in bloom in the fields, and tulips are pushing up in my garden.  As well as the garlic I planted earlier this winter I noticed.  Yay!  That's something that get used alot around here.  Planning on planting jalapenos again this year, as well as a few tomatoes and onions.  I want to can some more pickled jalapenos as well as salsa.

So that's pretty much all I've been up to lately that comes to mind.  Working, tuning periodically, the usual.


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