January one thoughts

A happy new year to everyone who bothers to read this blog.  Here's to a better, calmer, more put-together year.  Felt like I was punting most of this one.  Looking back at 2015 I did have some changes; one being the job situation, the other being less concerned with how others perceive me.  That last has come on gradually, but it has turned out to be rather freeing.  Mind you I don't try to stomp on people or be unkind or a bitch, but I don't beat myself up for faux pas either.  It happens, I'm human and I make mistakes.

Something I have decided to get back on is staying away from sugar and wheat as much as is possible.  I started right after my birthday rather than the stigma of  "new years resolution".  Since menopause hit my metabolism has absolutely QUIT and my cravings for bad food has escalated.  Stress?  Boredom?  I don't know.  Anyway I'm addressing it now.  Not just talking about it!!!

Another goal is to get more projects done and reduce my fabric stash as well as continue to purge things I no longer need/use.  Currently I shudder to think someone having to go thru my stuff should something unforeseen happen and I were to kick the bucket.  Most would go to a charity like Goodwill I imagine.  Don't know any close friends who would be happy to take my fabric stash etc.  Don't have children who might want the teacup collection (tho I have no plans to get rid of that) or any of that sort of thing so I will continue to thin that stuff out.  Seriously don't have anywhere to display stuff anyway.  House is too tiny.

Well that was a rather somber paragraph!  But it's what has been on my mind.  


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