It's the most wonderful time of the year....HALLOWEEN

I got pumpkins.  They seem a little light.  Maybe not enough water?  Doesn't matter.  Think I'll use them primarily for decor this year anyway.  I still have pumpkin puree from last year.  Really need to get sewing.  The craft fair is next month and I've not done any sewing for that in quite a while.  Gah!  Frankly my heart is not in it and I don't think I'll participate next year.  Felt a bit of pressure from my sewing buddy for this years fair so I agreed.  Sigh.

We're getting some rain FINALLY.  Something more than a smattering.  It's got a long way to go to catch up however, as everything is still pretty dry. 

Made a carrot applesauce cake last night to take to work today and of course I completely walked right by it this morning.  So, I ate my slice tonight and will take it tomorrow.  I better or I'll eat half of it by myself!  Been years since I've had Grandma's recipe and it's just as good and  moist as I remember.  There wasn't enough cream cheese for frosting so I put penuche frosting on it.  Yum!!!

Sewed a bit tonight, got most of the quilting done on the Halloween wall hanging I've been working on.  Just a wee bit more left, then I can put the binding on it and call it done.  After that it's sewing for the craft fair.  That'll be my mission for the next while so I get enough to sell.

Not much else going on.  Just work and tuning.  Got my work evaluation done yesterday.  Took less than 30 seconds.  She asked me how it's going and if I had any problems or concerns.  Told her life is groovy.  All right then!  Here's your written evaluation form, sign here, and send the next guy in!  Ha!  Guess they'll keep me for another year.


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