Waning days of summer

We've had a couple days of cooler weather with some small showers.  The rain was so nice!  However briefly it fell.  And the nights were finally cooler!  YAY! 

The current mystery:  The cat food is getting eaten every night.  To the bottom of the dish which is then licked clean.  Turns out we have a cat that has taken up residence in our basement at night.  She gets in before the cat door is locked.  Have not been able to flush her out.  Hopefully will soon.  Can't afford to feed 3 cats.  And gawd help us if she has kittens or something downstairs wherever she's been hiding.  Hopefully she's using the cat box during the night since it is kept downstairs.  Haven't found any stray poo anywhere so maybe she is.  Or he is.  But think it's a girl.

I went kayaking last weekend with my BFF.  Never been.  It was great fun and so beautiful!  I want to go again.  Surprisingly wasn't that sore either.  Just a little.  Mostly in my forearms/wrist area.  We saw several seals, a few eagles, other shore birds, and quite a few people with the same idea. The itch to hike has been creeping thru my blood lately.  Maybe a day hike this weekend.  We'll see. 


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