Busy last few weeks!

Been a while.  Busy for some reason with work and tuning which picked up right around tax time and hasn't let up.  Yay for me tho I have to wait for the $$ since they are primarily for institutions.  Oh well.  So be it.  In the meantime I had a sewing weekend with Sherry where I traced out patterns, made a muslin top which was supposed to be wearable but I accidentally hacked a hole in it when almost done with my serger knife.  Sigh.  I also did a knit t-shirt with lettuce edging.  I've never done lettuce edging and it turned out pretty well.  However, the top could be done in a size smaller.  I wasn't sure about the negative ease so sized up.  Uh, no. 

This coming week I'll be tuning for a performance in Arlington for a jazz pianist coming here.  He's pretty big.  The gentleman who is promoting it is happy I'll be doing the piano again this year.  That was nice to hear.  REALLY nice.  I get free tickets to it so that I can be there in case something isn't right or breaks or something.

On top of it all I am going to a baseball game with a friend Tuesday, Wednesday I am tuning, Thursday is Ladies Night at Skagit Valley Gardens, and Friday I am tuning and then going to the performance in  Arlington.  On top of that I am on call at work next weekend.  So I can't plan anything either day until after 8 am.  The drawback of being low on the totem pole at work.  I get the dregs of on call schedule which means I work holidays.  Or potentially work holidays if the regular gal calls in sick.

The yard has really been growing like crazy.  I need a hedge trimmer to do some pruning.  The camelia and the boxwood are out of control.  The strawberries are coming on strong.  The peas and beans have begun to really grow.  I need higher stakes than I've got on them.  Just put a couple tomatoes in against the south side of the house today.  They ought to like that. 


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