The knit dress

Here's the "muslin" of the knit dress I made from an issue of Ottobre magazine.  Super easy and low and behold, it fit without adjustments!  Since it fit out of the gate I'm gonna tweak it.  I'd like to lower the neckline in the front and maybe take in a wee bit on the side waist area to add more shape.  I actually did wear this to work with a lovely blue and white scarf, silver bangles, and big silver earrings. The fabric was super cheap and snags easily but has the same stretch ratio as the better fabric I have in mind which is why I chose it for a muslin for this dress.  Now I must make one for a coworker.  She loved it and wanted one.  So be it.  Granted it's not a complex dress, but for work I think the idea of just pulling it on, accessorizing, and out the door is really appealing.

I also made a couple aprons and a tote out of horse feed sacks and sold them to another coworker.  Pretty cool huh?!  No pix of those unfortunately.  Didn't think that far ahead.  Hopefully next weekend will be a sewing weekend with Sherry so I must plot out projects so I can do them.  I really want to make a shirtdress for summer.  If they turn out then maybe two.  Or three!  And perhaps some capris if I can tweak the fitting issue I always have with pants.  Anyhoo, hope to post more sewing projects later as my sewing mojo has returned for a brief appearance.


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