Feels like one of those annoying xmas letters

Well, let's see, I still can't afford to get internet back at the house, I haven't been motivated to get to a wi fi spot with any regularity to add to my blog, and so there ya have it.  My reasons (lame) for not updating.
However, now that I'm here, a list of what is/has been going on:

I went to a dance recital of a friend's little girl.  Awesome time, and who knew the Everett PUD had an auditorium??  I carpooled with a former coworker/friend I hadn't seen in ages either and we got to have a scrumptious greek lunch and visit. 

The hub and I built a couple raised beds and there is now veggies coming up.  We also got a load of horse manure from another friend to dress another bed that we aren't doing anything with this year.  The worms are digging it!!!!  Ha!

I have agreed to sew a bunch of purses for a craft fair in November but I haven't really started.  Better get cracking as it will be on me in no time.  Augh!

I haven't lost any more weight but the body shape continues to change slightly.  Yay.  My skirt I made last year is slightly too big in the waist now, and I have a coworker who insists I've lost more.

Almost done with a skirt I cut out and started a while ago.  It's like the blue corduroy one I made a couple years ago, but 3 inches longer and out of a khaki fabric I got at a thrift store.  I hope to finish it maybe tonight.

This week I did the dentist - all good, and my physical - again all good, well, until I get my labs done next week.  Otherwise all healthy.

Met my aunt and her brother for a visit last weekend.  Good to see them and I hope to get to idaho to see him, but don't know if I'll be able to afford it.  Also would like to go to Oregon to see my other aunt, but again, $$. 

So, in a quick synopsis that's what's been going on with me.  I hope to snap a pic of the skirt and maybe some of those purses when I get some done.  You all take care and more later.


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