Bubbly effects

Wow.  Been a busy month with working and tuning as well as rebuilding a grand action I had to install before Xmas.  Now, I have lots of outstanding monies due me which I hope to see by the end of the month.  At which time everyone will get and stay caught up.  Yay.

Last night I went to a "champagne social" at a customer/friends house.  Was fun and his son, who's early 20's, had his friends stop by as well with the stipulation they had to dress.  K, their idea of formal and mine are two different things, but they all looked very edgy and hip.  One young guy played the violin and guitar, another couple played the guitar, and Tom played the piano.  It was all very cool.  One of the guys was channeling Bobby Darrin in appearance.  Would have loved to hear more music but hanging with us older people isn't quite as exciting as whatever they had planned later.  Anyhoo, it was all fun.  A gal there had an iphone and took pix.  I kick myself today for not giving her my facebook or email since now I can't post pix of the guys playing.  Bummer.

Got a followup call from the host today.  He called to make sure I got home okay and said I should have stayed longer as the party continued till 4.  Uh, nope.  I hit my sleepy wall at 12:30 when I left.  Any later and I'd have been the walking dead.  He also wanted to thank me for coming and said I looked "radiant".  Did I mention he's had a crush on me for years? Erm, ya.  Uncomfortable much?

Today I planned on catching up on cleaning the house and lounging but I had to run errands and decided to hang out here at the hospital using their wifi and catching up on my guilty pleasure - The Vampire Diaries.  I did however get the bathroom cleaned.  Gackk!  I'll work on the kitchen when I get home later.  Ugh.  The hub is away playing at his BFF's house for the weekend so I'm footloose and fancy free.  Read doing whatever my mood strikes!  No obligations.  I don't even have any tunings this weekend!  Huzzah!  I needed a break.   


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