Best laid plans

Yesterday's best laid plans of mice and men were torn asunder by the neighbor having arrythmia and low, low blood pressure coming over here to ask me, a medical records clerk, what he could do to alleviate that since the VA was closed today and he didn't/couldn't pay for a visit to urgent care.  Does my filing medical records constitute a doctorate somewhere in that pea brain of his?  Anyway, I knew by his blood pressure alone he needed to go to either the ER or urgent care.  We talked him into going and we took him up there, spending 2 1/2 hours with him there. 

That kind of shot my motivation for the yard.  By the time we got back and got something to eat the sun was beating down on the yard and made it too hot to do prolonged hard work so I ended up not doing much.  Darn.  And my day started out so productive.  After getting up and getting ready, I went to Walmart to get some basics we needed then did some work in the basement repairing a case part from one of the high school pianos I worked on.  Then he came over with his troubles and I never got my mojo back.

Today is not starting out much better.  It's already almost 10 and I haven't done anything but make coffee and oatmeal for us.  Now I'm sitting here with the computer thinking of all the things that need doing and I just can't get motivated.  Have the energy, just not the motivation.  I better get more coffee.  Artificial motivation; sometimes that's what I really need and today is one of those days.  sigh.


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