What to do when your last 2 nickels go to the tax man

Sigh.  Another so exciting, over-the-top Saturday.  Slow getting started (thank gawd for coffee and homemade muffins) but I've cleaned the bathroom, vacuumed the window frames, blinds, mop boards, and of course the floors.  For such a small house I have lots of window trim/mop boards to vacuum!  I dusted, did dishes, wiped the counters and cupboard doors down, and am working up the gumption to mop the kitchen floor.  That's perhaps one of the tasks I hate the  most. 

I have to pay the tax bill on Monday.  No, I didn't get any back, I have to pay.  I'm delaying it until absolutely necessary.  Make 'em wait I say!

The onions are sprouting, finally.  Some radishes are making an appearance and the potatoes are beginning to show signs of growth.  About time!  I was beginning to wonder if we planted them too soon!  We've got broccoli starts to put out now too but we had a frost just a week ago and were glad we didn't put those tender shoots out before!  Soon we'll plant the rest of our seeds since it is warming up.  D informed me the other night that the peas are also beginning to sprout.  I better get a trellis out there soon for them to climb on!
I grumble at gardening but in reality I enjoy it once I get out there and witness the seedlings pushing up and spreading their leaves to the sun.  A good sign that spring is finally here.  Let's hope we get more of a summer this year!


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