So much for drawing a blank!

Feels like a lot has happened since I last wrote but am drawing a large blank as I sit here.  I'll give it a go anyway.

We got our Xmas/Birthdays treat installed a couple weekends ago.  It is a 42" lcd/led flat screen TV.  It now hangs on the wall.  We also got a Sony Playstation 3 so we can access the internet on the TV, play DVDs and blueray discs, and of course play games.  Our old DVD player died some time ago and we've been using the laptop on our old TV in a frankensteined method.  It worked but the picture was grainy and the feed was sometimes a bit choppy.  It worked but this is much better.

Last weekend DH's best friend and his two kids came up for a soccer tournament in Bellingham.  They stayed in our motor home.  I have never met the kids, long story, but I finally met them both.  Good kids.  Saturday night we had a henna fest.  I now have a vine trailing down my arm, Ben has lightning and a thunder cloud on his, and Em has flowers, vines, and her soccer teams name on her arm.  DH has the eye of Rah and his friend has a smiley face and another Egyptian symbol. 

Good news!  The sleep study specialist got DH's results from the study back yesterday and he is going to get a CPAP and then next month go in for a followup study.  He may soon begin getting more than 3-4 hours of sleep at night!!!  Keep your fingers X'ed.

I'm in the process of getting ALL paperwork for the West Coast Divers business in my name for Dh's disability and tax purposes.  There's still some loose ends, but we're getting it done.  I had a business meeting Monday evening with the 2 people with the most common sense running the company.  We all think pretty similarly so we will override the other two on most issues. There's still some things to iron out yet, and I need to find time to get more involved but working full time at the clinic makes it difficult.

Speaking of which, today is my last furlough day as a SVMC employee.  The hospital buyout goes into effect tomorrow and furloughs end at that time.  I grumbled when furloughs started because I wanted to leave early rather than start late one day a week, but I've actually enjoyed getting a late start once a week.  I have tuned some pianos during that time, got housework done, and dinner in the crockpot.  No, I only slept in a couple times.  With DH's inability to sleep he's up and walking around or doing things as quietly as he can but I hear him.  I can't sleep through the sounds.  So I don't sleep in.

Yesterday the HR people from the hospital were there taking our pix for a new name badge.  Of course I have pink eye so am wearing my glasses and looking like I'm hung over!!  That should make for a lovely picture.  sigh.  We get them today I believe as we begin clocking in by swiping that card at a time clock.  Since I'm almost the first one there in the morning I better bone up on the directions to clocking in at a different home location.  I'm supposed to be at the MV campus but haven't been there since October.  I'm still "temporarily" at Sedro Woolley.  Should be interesting.

DH's garden is looking pretty good.  A couple of the cukes aren't thriving, but everything else is!  He's Mr. Super Thrive and microryze (sp?) now.  He puts that stuff on every 10 days or so.  He wants a bumper crop.  We'll see.  He also put it on my perennials and most of them are doing fabulously.  They have really bushed out.

I downloaded a flag embroidery pattern for my sewing machine several days ago but I haven't devoted time to it.  The one day this last weekend I had the time and ambition to do it DH was napping (a rare thing, almost like Big Foot) so I stayed quiet and read instead.  The sewing machine is noisy as it embroiders.  I want to get it done for the 4th of July.  Maybe by Friday also so I can wear it to work.


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