
Last weekend was lovely!  Saw Aunt and Cousins from points south and east and had a great time Sunday.  Got a visit in with my brother on the drive down too.  A rare thing he and I together.  Saturday was spent gearing the motorhome up for the season and finishing the lawn mowing that had been rudely interrupted a couple days prior by a sudden rainstorm.

The holiday weekend is fast approaching and we are almost ready.  Winthrop here we come!  We'll be camping with another couple and their kids.  Gotta say not having kids to prepare along with ourselves makes this whole thing pretty easy for us.  My friend sounded pretty harried last night on the phone.  Between working full time and getting their things together she'll be ready for a beer when we get to the journey's end.  The only big thing for us was prepping and cleaning the motorhome.  Tonight I'll stop by the food co-op and get fresh greens, some hummus and pita, and some fruit to snack on.  I just have to add personal items like meds and load our clothes and we're ready!  Oh, I need to find the extra water jug for extra fresh water.  Rather have extra than not enough since we'll be dry camping!

Visited with a friend last night also who is going through some personal crises.  Sounds like she's getting it under control now though and will come out a better woman in the long run if she sticks it through.  It was nice to see her "up" for a change last night rather than depressed.

Guess I better get to work.  It keeps the mortgage paid! :)


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