You'd think I had been cryin' in my beer or something!

Retrospection and introspection.  I've been doing much of both lately.  Why is a very good question.  Have I hit a midlife hiccup or something?  I have been thinking back on old friends, ex-boyfriends, family, past experiences and life lessons, and the paths that have taken me to where I am currently in my life.  I wonder how people are that I've lost touch with.  I look back fondly at old loves, and wonder what I was thinking about some of the choices I made growing into the person I am now. 

I have a few regrets, things I'd change if I got a do-over, but I figure most people would have one or two if they were truthful with themselves.  Change, especially personal, internal change, is a tough row to hoe but I have made an agreement with myself to try to be more forgiving, more patient, thoughtful, and above all do no harm.  It's the  little things that are hardest for me to change on a daily basis.  The little things I may say in a fit of thoughtless impatience which cause pain to the recipient.  The self absorbed things I may do rather than for the "us". 

It's late.  Before I get maudlin I better feed the cats and go to bed. 


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