Visitors from France

My brother and I picked up our aunt and her husband at the airport today. They live in northern France and flew in from Frankfurt. First time we'd seen her in 20 years! Her husband doesn't speak a lick of English but seems very sweet. I swear he smiled the whole drive to Anacortes. And bless her heart she doesn't look any different than she did 20 years ago. Wow! How can that be? Must be the rural farm life in France. "Hi Mom" she said as she walked up to hug Grandma. I got kind of choked up it was so touching. Grandma's health is failing slowly so it was a very good thing she came. Probably would never have if her husband George hadn't wanted to see where she spent a chunk of her life before my uncle died and she moved back home to France.

On another note: Onion rings...never been a fan. Slimey, stringy, weak-battered things usually greasy and flavorless, till now. My brother and I stopped at the Red Mill in Phinney Ridge on the way to the airport and had a burger and onion rings. Thick cut, slightly spicey, crisp, and a hint of corn meal in the batter. Yum! Well worth the trip just for that! And a Boysenberry milk shake. I swear it was more berry than shake! Really, really good. Sucked up berry chunks in the straw and that's rare in milkshake land.

All in all a good day. Tomorrow it is back to the grist mill. Ugh.


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