
The long 4th of July weekend was fantabulous! We were at Lake Cavanaugh for the 4th. Ginny put on a beautiful fireworks display (helps to work for the fireworks people. Get good stuff!) and the weather was stunning all weekend. Drawback was DH bonked his head really hard. Turns out he gave himself a concussion. Found that out after a trip to ER on Monday evening since the walk-in was backed up with 25 people ahead of him at 6:00 and they close at 8:00.

DH waterskiied, I read a book, watched the childrens parade, and walked through the rummage sale at the community center. I got a vintage tablecloth with strawberries on it for $3.00. We went for a couple rides around the lake in the boat and saw how the other half lives. Nice!

DH worked on the electrical this weekend. He got rid of the small jumper wire from the meter to the house breaker box. Did it as safely as he could. No fatalities...whew! We no longer have brown-outs in the kitchen! This afternoon I hope to see Grandma. I am way overdue for a visit.


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