Demise of Deadwood

I can't believe Deadwood is cancelled. Now, I've known for a while it was, but I was just thinking how I'd like to see season 3 on DVD and catch up when that case of "bummer" hit again. That was the most brilliant show out there. The language that poured out of the mouths of these actors was Shakespearean. The visuals were edgy, dirty, and complete. I felt I was in Deadwood, SD whenever I watched it. My husband and I would have marathon Deadwood sessions as soon as we got the next season. We just couldn't stop watching it. Now it's taking forever for the powers that be to get Deadwood season 3 on DVD. Sigh.

The waterproof light switch in our bathroom gave up the ghost over the weekend. I must go to the hardware store and get a new one today so we can have light. It's a bit disconcerting showering in the dark. I also must mail a box to my mother-in-law. Like an airhead I pulled up in front of the post office yesterday to mail it when I noticed it was closed. President's day. Duh. Also had a check to deposit. Same thing. Banks were closed. Duh. There's something else I need to do but can't think of it. Guess I'll puzzle that while I finish folding laundry. Maybe it'll come to me. Oh ya. I must get a new cat box.

One of our cats has taken to fetching. She only fetches a particular stuffed mouse, but when she does it's so darn cute! She comes over with that mouse in her mouth, drops it at our feet, and proceeds to rub against our leg until we throw it again. She tears off after it and does it all again. Very cute! Never had a cat that fetched before. My brother's cat did at one point. His obsession for fetching revolved around the plastic ring off a milk bottle. That's all he'd fetch. Cats are strange. Dogs would fetch about anything you tossed but not cats. Very selective.


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