Okay, it's been a long time

I have been busy. What can I say? I am on the edge as far as my grades go with school so have been really buckling down on that. The house really shows it too. Ugh. It's a pit. Let's see, Thanksgiving was spent on Mt. Baker. Daulton snowboarded, I relaxed, walked around in the snow taking pix, and generally just watched it DUMP for 4 days. Tuning has been busy, though not as busy as years past but seeing the money come in again has been nice. Generally have been keeping my nose to the grind stone as they say.

Oh, DH took up skiing a few weeks ago with his boss. He'd been a snowboarder till then as you can see from the above picture. That's his board leaning against the motorhome. His boss is apparently an excellent skier and has been a ski instructor in years past. He spent a day teaching DH how to do it. So needless to say we went to a used sporting goods store and found skis, poles, and boots for him to use. I imagine he'll be doing that a lot in the next couple months. He's liking it a lot so far.

For Xmas I figure we'll do the Mt. Baker thing again. I'm not positive at this juncture though. Both of us are still sick. We got some sort of crud and now we both sound almost croupy! And the nose won't stop running. Lovely. I haven't been sick in quite some time. Just a lovely reminder of how miserable it is to feel like crap and still have to work.

In the spirit of the season I want to wish all a merry holiday and hugs to all that I don't get to see in person. Probably a good thing (snigger!) as you might get my cold! Love you all!


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