As time goes by....FAST

The azalea below....? I bought one I think is it. Called Walston's Innocence or some such name. Went sniffing down the deciduous row of azaleas ( who knew there were scented, deciduous azaleas?) sniffing until I found what I thought was it. Sure is slurpy!! Planted it yesterday. Can't wait till it wafts its scent across my yard next year. Mmmmmmm.

Got in contact with some family friends in Canada yesterday. Haven't talked for several years and I had lost touch with the entire clan! Now how in the heck does one lose touch like that? Laziness on both sides, or complacency I think. They had been on my mind for quite some time and my dear brother had one of their email addresses but would he remember to give it to me? No. So I finally circumnavigated him and went to his wife. She emailed me back the same day with the address. How hard was that?! After at least a couple years of periodically asking him when I talked with him to email me the address and not doing it I figured out how to get around it. I wasn't very swift on the uptake! So now I have added them to my email list and must compose a "What I've been doing for 5-10 years" note to send off.

I bought a paint scraper wheel thingie for the drill today. My goal is to tackle one window a night, scraping and flogging the old paint off so we can paint the house this summer or fall. If it goes well I hope to have it done by the middle of July or sooner. Then pressure wash the walls, scrape any loose paint there, and then prep and paint. We would then no longer look like the ragamuffin house on the block. Everyone else is slowly upgrading their homes here in the neighborhood, at least the ones homeowners live in. The rentals, well, that's another story. However, the rental next door, which is under new ownership, is well taken care of by the tenants. Makes ours look a bit shabby at times. Sigh. Shown up by tenants!

Speaking of which, I must get started. The day is awastin'!


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